Just So Stories

Random Reviews and Ramblings from Redcliffe

Eleanor Jones Can[‘t] Keep a Secret – Amy Doak

Penguin Australia

  • ISBN: 9781761342424
  • Imprint: Penguin
  • RRP: $19.99

I absolutely adored the first Eleanor Jones book and as soon as this one arrived a few days ago, everything else got pushed aside while I binge-read it (which effectively means I’m now book-cheating on 3 different books ๐Ÿ˜ณ). I regret nothing!

This is every bit as fabulous as the earlier book.

It’s been a few weeks since the whole drama with the teacher-turned-drug-manufacturer/murderer and things are slowly starting to settle for Eleanor. She and her new band of friends are really getting to know each other, and she’s more and more aware that there is a very real frisson of excitement whenever she and Troy look at each other. Then, just as this calm seems to be embracing her, things start to get chaotic: the teens’ regular visits to the nursing home give rise to suspicion of a past murder, Troy’s old girlfriend is back in town, there’s a spate of robberies in the district and mysterious uni student, Jem, who volunteers at the library seems too intently interested in Eleanor.

Always keen to be her own version of Nancy Drew, Eleanor is hot on the trail of uncovering the truth of the decades-old murder, and soon the entire gang of friends is keen to find out more as well.

Clue by clue, and with the input from more than one garrulous senior citizen, Eleanor starts putting together the facts of the case, much to the oft-expressed exasperation of Constable Holly. Of course, there are some close calls with danger along the way!

All in all ,there is a thoroughly satisfying resolution and aside from the whole delicious murder-mystery aspect, there are some immensely important insights into grooming, coercive control, and consent issues.

I am already looking forward to the next exciting adventure with Eleanor and her mates – and very happy to know it’s underway.

HUGE recommendation from me for your YA readers from around 14 upwards be aware of the potential triggers around those heavier themes but there is plenty of humour and some good sound advice from Eleanor’s friends and mum. I reckon this another corker which will grab your teens who love this genre – 5 ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ rating.

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