Just So Stories

Random Reviews and Ramblings from Redcliffe

Dragon Apocalypse: City of Monsters #3 – DC Green


Sep 2018

Ford Street Publishing


AUD$19.95, NZD$24.99


DC, you have completely smashed it with this thrilling conclusion to the trilogy – darker, edgier and gripping!  I’ve watched with such joy as the Dead Gang monster misfits have grown from their funky beginnings to truly kickass warriors united in their mission to save not themselves but their world and all the myriad creatures who inhabit it.

The gang continues their mission of dragon egg rescue after their narrow escapes from Dr Franken’s torturous facility and amidst ongoing attack from all sides. The loss of Zorg and Jaakie are a real blow but they manage to keep their spirits high. Stoker, the vampire-formerly-known-as-Prince-Robert heads for the Isle of Giants with a human girl acquired for her mechanical ability, Roa and the enigmatic and cranky Erica, royal ogre bodyguard and the giant skunk aniwye (not the friendliest of creatures). Their goal is to protect Empress Kalthazar until the rest of the Dead Gang arrive with help.

The remainder of the group escape with the dragon egg they have acquired by a narrow margin and are completely taken aback when the egg hatches and little fin-flapping Karamas immediately becomes an important addition to their team. An encounter with the living giant heart of Monstro City, disarming ancient nuclear weapons, deflecting rogue ogres and taming clone Prince Robbie are almost all in a day’s work for this mob. However their encounter with the fearsome and treacherous Cyborg Warlord is almost a disaster for them all.

Will the gang survive intact to effect the rescue and revitalisation of the great Kalthazar?  Will they be able to save not only themselves but Monstro City and, indeed, the entire world? More to the point – will Bruce, gnarly sexy spider-dude avoid being munched by a prospective bride and will PT EVER tell Greta just how he feels about her?

It’s like a mash-up of Tolkien, teen horror movies and Kotter’s sweat hogs on steroids! The addition of some excellent illustrations really enhance the narrative with the truly warped visualisations of the chief characters along with a nicely detailed map.

Again there are plenty of laughs throughout the tensely dramatic plot as well as moments of poignancy and important themes of loyalty, friendship, honour and resilience.

I have loved this series immensely and while I was of the understanding that this was to be a trilogy I won’t be disappointed to meet the characters again as they age to what one can only imagine to be an equally crazy adulthood!

Get onto it if you haven’t already! Your readers from around ten years upwards who relish a little bit of scariness along with a whole lot of great humour will love it.





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