Just So Stories

Random Reviews and Ramblings from Redcliffe

Utterly Uber Usborne


Y’all know I’m a bit of a non-fiction geek ever since childhood so when I get a pile of Usborne books for all ages my nerdy heart just sings!

Here are some of the riches I have been exploring of late.


True Stories: Polar Adventures – Paul Dowswell


Harper Collins

Imprint: Usborne

November 2018



All the great names are here: Peary, Amundsen, Scott, Shackleton, Fiennes as well as some perhaps not so well known. For many children this will be new history as it seems that the stories of these intrepid and courageous explorers are no longer much talked about. Perhaps as the growing awareness of climate change, and disturbances to the Earth’s extremities impinges on  oung scientists it is timely to re-visit those who first made research and study in such places possible.

With eight chapters beginning with a general overview of the polar regions and geography and moving right up to the present day this will offer children an opportunity to vicariously explore the harsh and often dangerous polar regions and realise the extreme bravery of those who led the way in such expeditions.

A terrific read for kiddos from around ten years upwards.


Business for Beginners


ISBN: 9781474940139

ISBN 10: 1474940137

Imprint: Usborne – GB

List Price: 19.99 AUD

Lara Bryan

Illustrated by Kellan Stover

With Rose Hall


Business studies are no longer just the province of secondary students with so many primary schools setting up entrepreneur units very successfully. So this book designed for younger readers is the perfect introduction to these burgeoning business tycoons.


Beginning with an outline of what we mean by business and commerce the book divides its information into chapters such as: How to Start a Business, Keeping Track of Money, Making a Product and Growing the Business. Content covers diversifying, advertising, business failures, being a leader and much much more.


Colourfully illustrated and with the text broken up well into manageable chunks aided by comic strip styling, speech bubbles, fact boxes this is an easy-to-read and comprehensible as well as comprehensive ‘textbook’ for the young person aspiring to be a successful business owner.


Highly recommended for readers from around ten years upwards with a special slant towards those who are looking to establish their own enterprise.


100 Things to Know About Numbers, Computers & Coding


ISBN: 9781474942997

ISBN 10: 1474942997

Imprint: Usborne – GB

November 2018

List Price: 19.99 AUD

When was the webcam invented and why? Do imaginary numbers exist? What is fuzzy logic? Find the answers these questions about the amazing world of numbers, computers and coding, along with loads of other curious, amazing and mind-boggling facts, in this eye-catching book that is absolutely bursting with information.

Oh yes we all know what the current catchcries are don’t we? And seemingly there are plethora books on the topics of coding and computational thinking for all ages. This one at least moves behind the actual ‘how to’ aspect and gives readers a very thorough exploration of all manner of topics from original computing, fascinating maths facts, hacking, successes and failures and more.

If you have kids who are into any of the coding clubs or this is a topic for your classroom there will be no doubt be many who will want to pick it up and discover new information.  We do know that the processes of coding will not be done by these youngsters in the future but there is no doubt, as I tell my classes, that their ability to think computationally will stand them in good stead in many situations as they grow older.


Recommended for readers from ten years upwards.







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