Just So Stories

Random Reviews and Ramblings from Redcliffe

I Need a Parrot – Chris McKimmie


Ford St Publishing

September 2019


RRP: $24.95

Another one that got missed on my review shelves which of course is completely remiss of me as it is both a Notable and a Short List title in the 2020 CBCA Awards list.

I think we’ve all been there. When the kid repeatedly asks for a certain pet and often is very persuasive. At the moment, I have one who thinks that nagging for a dog is going to work (very wrong!). While this kid’s arguments in favour of his proposed parrot are very convincing, once it is pointed out that what a kid wants and what a parrot needs are two very different things, the tack changes completely. Like all McKimmie books this is loaded with humour despite a very simple text and the illustrations, in his always recognisable style,  are just hilarious.

In light of our current circumstances there is much to be had about discussing the difference between needs and wants, and even though this is frequently a focus in foundation classrooms, it is arguably more vital just now.

Like all his books McKimmie has really hit a sweet spot with young readers here and I would highly recommend it for your readers (though no doubt you’ve already snaffled it up for your Book Week celebrations!) from around 4 years upwards.

Click to access I-NEED-a-Parrot-Teacher-Notes.pdf

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