Just So Stories

Random Reviews and Ramblings from Redcliffe

  • Tweet – Morris Gleitzman

    Penguin Australia April 2024 This arrived last Friday (22/3), and on Sunday I took it with me when we went up the coast for two days of R&R to celebrate The Kid’s birthday. I read 240ish pages the first evening with only a break to head out for the birthday celebration dinner. I was a…

  • From the Archives: The Nanny Piggins Guide to Conquering Christmas – R. A. Spratt

    Just over a week ago The Kid and I tootled into the city to see R. A. Spratt’s highly entertaining Christmas Stories. Naturally, Nanny Piggins was a feature – but also Friday Barnes. It was a lot of fun and it was clear that so many of the kiddos present were thrilled to be meeting…

  • Peppa Pig: Peppa’s 12 Days of Christmas

    Penguin Random House October 2023 We all know that Peppa’s popularity remains undiminished and that Littles just never get tired of the Pig family. Continue the fun with another lift-the-flap book that will delight your slightly older Smalls particularly. Starting on Christmas Day (of course) with opening presents and then all the excitement in the…

  • Cricket by Bluey

    Penguin Australia December 2023 We know when the season changes in Brisbane. The jacarandas are blooming and the local cricketers are back in the parks and ovals. Of course, there’s a few other matches on TV as well *wink* and, altogether, we know that spring is here, summer is on its way, cicadas will be…

  • Parcel for Turtle – Shelley Knoll-Miller

    Penguin Australia How absolutely delighted am I that the first ‘Parcel for…’ title I review, so closely reflects our happy place – the beach, and some of its very nicest inhabitants – indeed, practically our neighbours. Each book in this series is a clever, but simply written guessing game for Littles, with absolutely gorgeous comic…

  • Eleanor Jones is NOT a Murderer – Amy Doak

    Penguin Australia September 2023 This is a fantastic new voice in Oz YA, and one that will have your fans of Fleur Ferris, Karen McManus and Holly Jackson very excited. I was feeling a little poorly yesterday, which made for a very good reason to spend a lot of time snoozing and reading – peaky…

  • Mistress Masham’s Repose – T. H. White

    So this is rather a different review, as it’s not for a new release. It is, in fact, for a book that was first published in 1946 by the wonderful T. H. White. I had, of course, read The Once and Future King series. In fact, I first read the The Sword in the Stone,…

  • It’s Not Summer Without You – Jenny Han

    Book 2 in the Summer I Turned Pretty Series April 2023 Twelve years after its initial release, the second in Jenny Han’s Summer trilogy is the third of her books to be adapted for the screen, and little wonder as these have been some of the hottest books in the secondary library/young adult stakes. Belly…

  • Lockwood & Co – Jonathan Stroud

    Penguin Australia Ten years ago I reviewed The Screaming Staircase and wrote: This new series from Jonathan Stroud is the first since the Bartimaeus Sequence which sold over six million copies, and was translated in over 35 languages. The fact that Universal Studios has already picked up the film rights to Lockwood & Co. is…

  • Willa and Woof 1: Mimi is Missing – Jacqueline Harvey

    Penguin Random House  5 July 2022 ISBN: 9781761043314 Imprint: Puffin RRP: $12.99 Question: What’s more exciting than a brand spanking new Jacqueline Harvey book? Answer: A brand-new Jacqueline Harvey series!! That’s right folks! In case you’ve missed the excitement of last week’s release AND – can you believe it? – television ads to promote it! – Jacqueline’s…

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