Just So Stories

Random Reviews and Ramblings from Redcliffe

  • Mawson in Antarctica: to the ends of the Earth – Joanna Grochowicz

    Allen & Unwin July 2024 ISBN:9781761180590 Publisher:A&U Children’s Imprint:A & U Children RRP: $19.99 This is another in a fantastic series by this author, polar historian Joanna Grochowicz, and with the news about the recovery of Shackleton’s lost last ship in this past week turning the spotlight once again to those redoubtable adventurers of earlier…

  • Utterly Uber Usborne

      Y’all know I’m a bit of a non-fiction geek ever since childhood so when I get a pile of Usborne books for all ages my nerdy heart just sings! Here are some of the riches I have been exploring of late.   True Stories: Polar Adventures – Paul Dowswell Harper Collins Imprint: Usborne November…

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